last update 02.08.03 //

Chavas is Mexican slang for girls. These are the confidants, people who put up with a lot shit from me.

Chispa: met her in the summer of �98 during the Freshman Summer Program (FSP) when she lived down the hall from me. Since then we�ve become very close. She�s double majoring in Political Science and Chicana/o Studies and hopes to go to law school. She�s one of the many Elizabeth�s in my close circle of friends.

Isa: she was in my English class during FSP and I met Chispa through her. She and I talk about everything pretty much. We joke that we compete against each other. We had the same majors and she graduated with me. Isa was my campaign manager when I ran for USAC and she was also in MEChA.

Pato: one of the roomies, I used to share a room with her. She was one of the few people who knew where my home town was at when I first met her (in FSP too) because she lives a few miles away. She also has the same majors as I do. She works for Projecto Equis, my nickname, for a tutoring and mentoring program run by MEChA.

Ome: another roomie, from East Los, and met her in FSP too. Her nickname means two in Nahuatl (also one of the Elizabeth crew). She was la jefa, or the chair, of MEChA for two years and now is the asst. director for Project Equis. Her family owns a bakery in East Los so sometimes she brings yummy pan dulce and bolillos (rolls).

Vane: former roomie, from San Jos�, we met in FSP too. She'S in grad school at UC Berkeley�s School of Education. I miss her, alot.

Claudex: the person I answer to as the retention coordinator for MEChA.

familia | chavas | chavos

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Me siento:

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

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