yeah yeah, i love the sandlot
04.18.05 // 2:09 a.m.

Benny "the Jet" Rodriguez (for Elenamary )

Last fall I accompanied my best guy friend, Eligio, to the movies. I can't remember what we watched, but for some reason I think it was related to sports. Anyway, I mentioned that I loved baseball movies and The Sandlot was my favorite. And then Eligio dropped a bomb on me. He confessed that he had never seen the film.

I said something along the lines of, "You're killing me, Eligio! What?! We've been friends how long? How come I never knew this about you?!"

From that point on, our friendship has been different and even a little strained.

It might have not surprised me if Eligio was not as much of a baseball fan as me. We have a lot in common and I just assumed that he always caught on to the frequent references I make to The Sandlot in everyday dialogue. But he hadn't.

When the film was released in 1993, I immediately loved it. Rather, I loved Benny "the Jet" Rodriguez (Mike Vitar). Yeah-yeah, I was swooning every single time Benny's beautiful face and intense green eyes filled the screen.

It didn't hurt that the film was focused on one of my favorite subjects, baseball, that there was plenty of witty dialogue, and that Benny was the star of the film.

If you ask me what my all-time favorite film is, I will always respond with The Sandlot. There are other films I enjoy that are more profound, artistic, and (let's face it) mature. However, these are films I've liked for a much shorter time.

I've watched The Sandlot dozens of times in the last twelve years and still have not outgrown the humor and silly gags. If you watch it with me, you might even get annoyed because I have the habit of quoting nearly every line.

I currently do a Sandlot test of most people I meet. I quote a few lines and see if he/she catch the reference. If he/she doesn't, I know we're not soulmates nor is he/she a potential best friend. Yeah yeah, it is that serious.

A few of my favorite quotes:

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Me siento: sleepy
Escuchando: samba pa t� - santana

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