how you feel about that?

Man Sandlot is also my favorite movie and I didn't like baseball at all. I am going to go search for pictures of Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez. Man. Thank you so much.
[2005-04-18 12:30:43]

the Sandlot is a Must See for any baseball fan!!! love it! Squints: "been planning it for years!" how sad for anyone that doesn't know that movie!!!
[2005-04-18 14:47:14]

Oh! I forgot to mention that the actor who played Benny is now an LA firefighter.
[2005-04-18 14:48:46]

i prefer A Leage of Their Own... "there's no crying in baseball!!!!!". my god, everything about that film is wonderful. thank the almighty for tom hanks!
[2005-04-18 15:33:45]

Daily Texican
The Natural, Field of Dreams, Major League...but yea, Sandlot is good.
[2005-04-19 01:10:06]

Elenamary, de nada.

Lex, would it be bad to set my apartment on fire in hopes that Mike will come rescue me?

Vicky, I loved A League of Their Own too. I still quote that line all the time.

DT, I need to buy all those films you just listed. I like all of them too. I'm gonna start a baseball movie collection... what else to add?
[2005-04-19 01:56:04]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star