how you feel about that?

noooooo!!! why the skankees??? you gotta stick with the pobres, con la raza... eventhough both LA teams aren't exactly bottom feeders... I've never been into the writing side of things...I enjoy good stories and things of the non-fiction world, but not in a passionate way... and I worked as a Library Assistant for a while...go figure...
[2005-04-29 02:43:50]

Aw, Rodolfo, I guess you're another boy I can cross off the possible soulmate list. I didn't cheer for the Yankees when they played LA in interleague play last year. I know they have a ton of money, and would rather cheer for teams like Oakland who are going about winning in an innovative way that does not require spending millions of dollars for primadonna players.
[2005-04-29 03:27:36]

This post reminded me of the scene in Braveheart where the maid tells the French princess that English men don't know what to do with their tongues. ;-) I am amazed by people with poetic skills, it is something I don't think I could do.
[2005-04-29 08:25:38]

mmm! I'm feeling you on this one... the ability to express himself in a succinct manner is so attractive.
[2005-04-29 10:06:37]

ARod was my ex-favorite player too. Damn egos.
[2005-04-29 12:49:07]

Oso, I was crushed when Alex was traded to the Rangers. It wasn't really about the fact that it was a team named after people who used to go around killing lots of Mexicans (shoot first, ask questions later), but more about the fact that he commanded more money than any other player. It made me feel sick to my stomach. And then his trade to NY made me want to have a tantrum too, but I was on a plane when I found out (yay for JetBlue) and that would have not been good. I still have a pennant with his picture on it from his days in Seattle up in my room.
[2005-04-29 14:27:50]

Blex, thanks for warning me about those English ones. How are the Basque?
[2005-04-29 14:29:05]

Roses are red violets are blue, Cindylu I miss you.

Ok, who am I kidding. I have a huge problem with the written. But does effort count for anything? Or am I off the list too. :-(
[2005-04-29 23:14:10]

hmm... didn't know there was a list...nimodo... should have taken those creative writing courses instead of interior perspective drawing... by the way do you have any friends in the Arch. grad program?
[2005-04-30 01:00:14]

Daily Texican
A-rod is a healthy boy. I once sat behind....never mind. Roses are red, violets are blue. You have nice eyes.
[2005-04-30 16:50:01]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star