how you feel about that?

Not that you need the reminder, but you totally look 5 years younger than everyone else. So you mean, you're not going to vote for Mac? Does anyone ever call him Big Mac?
[2005-04-22 16:43:26]

good luck on that. Yes.... you actually look younger than Pedro.
[2005-04-22 19:31:55]

buena suerte!!
[2005-04-23 01:17:06]

oso and nebur... yeah, yeah i know i look young. i don't know the age of the other grad students, but i don't think they're first year grad students. they are probably (on average) a couple years older than me.
[2005-04-23 05:15:23]

Daily Texican
I already told you who I'd vote for.
[2005-04-23 11:51:36]

that's cool.... i some times get carded buying lottery tickets
[2005-04-23 13:39:38]

if i were at ucla i would vote for you. i have a good feeling about it and i'm sure you will do well. anyway, you're a lot better looking than your opponent and i think that's a big factor in modern day elections. i'm sure you're also very qualified. and yes, you do look very young, very good genes, you are what my mother calls a traga-a�os.
[2005-04-24 01:02:35]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star