how you feel about that?

Done and done. (Answering your questions I mean)
[2005-04-15 15:41:34]

1. This song by the Avalanches ... it's a remix ... I'll probably put it on the next podcast. 2. My boss who is tired of never being able to get ahold of me and is buying me a cell phone. 3. My green Havaianas flip flops. 4. Specifically you? Hell ya, bears give bear hugs. 5. Maybe Dr. Mundaka, my Easter Religions professor in Katmandu. 6. Waiting by Ha Jin. 7. I'm the one who sleeps by the wall. 8. Not so much. But around here I'm more punctual than everyone else. 9. That's such a tough one. But today monkeys remind me of Michael Jackson and penguins remind me of my dear friend pinguino, so I choose penguins. 10.) Tengo pecas. What is the right way to put in toilet paper? Where does one find out these things?
[2005-04-15 17:32:34]

1. SONG: El Muelle de San Blas, Mana: an intoxicating ballad. 2) DISAPPOINTED: My niece, when I would not take her to gymnastics class. 3) SHOES: My diamond encrusted bruno maglis, 4) WOULD I SAY HI: I would at least nod, and give you that "How you doin'" look, 5) BEST TEACHER: Ms. O'Brien, high school biology. I still remember it.6) LAST BOOK: First they Took My Father, Loung Ung. Personal accounting of the killing fields. 7) COMPULSIVE about my typos in anything in print, (but not online) 8) PUNCTUAL for social events but never for court. 9) MONKEYS because they are little humans. I will never forget the story about when my uncle in Panama killed his last monkey. The mono clutched his heart, did the "Elizabeth, I'm coming to join you" dance, and cried. My uncle never shot a gun again. 10) BEAUTY MARK: I have a one inch scar over my right eye where I got hit by a bottle in a bar fight. O.K., I hit a bookshelf at home. It happens.
[2005-04-15 18:10:31]

name Sarita
I answered the questions! They were good ones.
[2005-04-15 22:58:58]

tank green supa hero beauty queen
all done. now, you have to answer me one question: are you going to have a different design for your new site? i hope not. i love this one. :)
[2005-04-16 10:08:56]

name JaeZea
I like the Friday Five. Used it as a post on my site.
[2005-04-16 16:11:37]

Frances M.
C.: I haven't been able to read since my eyes don't see small print, so for now, all I read is my BIG computer monitor. Here are the other answers: 1. A silly, hip, new version of a Puerto Rican Christmas tune � �No Hay Cama Pa� Tanta Gente� found in the latest Banco Popular seasonal CD, I can send you a copy if you'd like! 2. My husband, just a few minutes ago. 3. My new pair of Clark�s, I�m walking on clouds! 4. Claro que si, I�d say �Hola Cindylu� � I�m not quite enough to be your mom, but if I saw you smoking or doing something else to harm yourself, I�d probably say something too. 5. My mother! She taught @ my middle school. 6. See above 7. Household cleanliness � our Dominican housekeeper comes in once a week. We only use mostly natural detergents. 8. Only when in Gringolandia, here in PR, the dominant culture is �relaxed� get there when you get there and factor in all the embotellamientos. 9. Monkeys, by far! 10. One or two, I mostly have sunspots which I�m going to get rid of one day!
[2005-04-16 17:32:37]

1) "Tirate" por Cafe Tacuba (aunque es originalmente de Los Tres) 2)This crazy, irrelevant girl in my Business class 3)My busted Chuck Taylors with random writings in the front! 4)...not only that, but the kiss on the cheek, too. (not the Judas type, though) 5)This cool Italiana professor I had last semester for World Literature. She looks like Angie Cepeda (Colombian actress), and is very intellectual. I liked her a lot... damn, now I wanna see her again. 6)hmmm... a book of Neruda poems. does that count? 7)washing my hands when I get home... the subway poles aren't the cleanest places in the world, you know. 8)only on dates... and some exams. 9)monkeys are funny. penguins are stuck-up. 10)yea. 13. most people only see 12.
[2005-04-16 18:23:00]

miss tank, if i can figure out how to adapt this design in wordpress, i'd love to keep it. i love it too.
[2005-04-16 18:41:24]

tank green supa hero beauty queen
i probably could... and i do have a few weeks of free time... okay. ima email you.
[2005-04-17 07:42:24]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star