answer me!
04.15.05 // 2:11 a.m.

When I was a kid, my mom used to make me take roses to my teachers
Totally irrelevant, as many pretty things often are

When I first started to get the hang of blogging a few years ago, I frequently answered the Friday Five questions. The questions centered on a particular theme. They gave me something to write at the end of a long week when my brain was fried.

I'm doing something similar today except without the theme and more than five questions.

Answer them in the comments or your own blog (leave a link in the comments).

Oh, before I ask the questions, check out my posts on LA Chicana/o and Latina/o bloggers and a Salvadore�a student's film on gentrification.

  1. What was the last song stuck in your head?
  2. Who did you last disappoint?
  3. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
  4. If you saw me on the street, would you say hello?
  5. Who was the best teacher or professor you ever had?
  6. What was the last book you read?
  7. What are you obsessive compulsive about?
  8. Are you punctual?
  9. Which do you like more and why monkeys or penguins?
  10. Do you have lunares (moles or beauty marks)?

My answers:

  1. "La estaca" by los Aterciopelados
  2. The boy I like.
  3. My wine-red Mary Janes
  4. I wouldn't talk to myself in the street. It attracts the wrong kind of people.
  5. Mr. Tabor, my AP statistics teacher senior year in HS, was a great instructor and a great person. He made me think critically of what I wanted to with my life. Go for the money or have an impact on young people?
  6. Assessment for Excellence by Alexander Astin. Yes, this was for a class.
  7. If one hand or foot gets wet, I have to wet the other one. Also, I don't like it when people put the toilet paper in wrong. Oh yeah, I only use Times New Roman font when I need a paper to be a little longer. I never type in it.
  8. Ha. Nope.
  9. I've been fond of monkeys ever since I went to the zoo with my family and we saw a monkey named Cindy. I was also born in 1980 and am a monkey according to the Chinese. Finally, I have a really cute and well dressed monkey. His name is Ozo, not to be confused with Oso.
  10. I have so many lunares you could play connect the dots on my face and arms. That might not be a good idea since I don't really like ink on my face. Just call me Cindylunares.

Comments: 10 comments [this feature no longer works]

Me siento: dumb
Escuchando: humo y alquitr�n - aterciopelados

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

star star star