how you feel about that?

that was awesome very cool post,it definetely had a lot of passion and it made me think alot. hope you dont mind if i steal the idea. going to go ask everyone i know why they pursued higher ed.
[2005-02-14 00:57:35]

Go get 'em! I thought of you when I read an article in the March issue of Latina magazine yesterday about the Orange County case that ended Mexican segragation in schools in 1945. Amazing that it was such a short time ago.
[2005-02-14 01:41:03]

El Catrin
You are deep!!! I'm amazed by your thoughts--You are a wonderful example of the best of this generation. Wish you the best as you pursue your goals and dreams...Lo Lograras!!!
[2005-02-14 03:49:55]

I knew you were a finally admited it. Also, whats with all the girl pictures, what, the guys in your family don't motivate you??? J/K -- good post, you have a good heart and a good head on your shoulders!!!
[2005-02-14 15:21:39]

Gracias! HP, the boys don't motivate me, they're all punks. I'm kidding...
[2005-02-14 21:22:12]

Sometimes you don't need a reason... I don't think people listen to me anymore now that I have those three letters after my name... ...but it is pretty cool to have them nonetheless. Keep working and dreaming!
[2005-02-15 01:14:24]

You are awesome! I agree with HP though, where are the males? :p Great post...creo que eres mi musa!! :P
[2005-02-15 19:13:58]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star