how you feel about that?

K. Maria
The comic strip was cute. You know, I really struggle with the label/identity thing. Maybe for the upcoming month, I'll dedicate a couple of entries to this topic. I appreciate hearing what you have to say though.
[2003-08-26 11:37:23]

message for k.maria =) my opinion: what matters most is what we do with ourselves - not what we call ourselves. whether we call ourselves ch(x)i(c)(k)an(a)(o), latin@,hispanic bla bla bla - at the end of the day what we do with our lives is what is remembered more than how we choose to label ourselves. if you choose to call yourself chicana today and then latina or xiKana tomorrow - don't sweat it - you are right! the reason: because in the end-the only person that truly takes care of you is YOU - AND THAT'S WHO YOU SHOULD PLEASE. it's all about the process not the end product. =)
[2003-08-26 16:57:29]

what do you think about the latest entry?

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