how you feel about that?

Miss Moon
Awwww, sweetie. I'm sorry to hear things went the way they are =(
[2002-10-06 12:54:39]

sorry to hear about your situation. not too long ago, mi guero me dejo y me dolio tanto... but i've got friends, a whole life to live and sunshine, and you do to.
[2002-10-06 14:01:54]

oh lady... you seem to be handling all this with such optimism and bravery... i'm proud of you for doing what seems to be the right thing.
[2002-10-06 17:20:54]

wow...i'm sorry that things ended the way that they did. It seems like you're taking it well and responding maturely to the situation. That can only mean good things for you.
[2002-10-06 19:46:40]

Hola mija. I'm still lurking around checking up on my buddies. I'm sorry to hear that but I admire how maturely you're handling this situation. Keep strong and I know things will turn around and become better for you. Mucho amor -sleepy-
[2002-10-07 17:31:50]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star