how you feel about that?

Whoa! This is such a cool post, with all the embedded pics and all. That thing at Disney sounds like fun.
[2005-06-22 07:19:51]

I think all graduation are like high school. It's so weird. Anyway, you make the raza proud! I wish you nothing but the best and I can't wait to hear about your Ph.D. graduation.
[2005-06-22 13:24:42]

I'm glad you decided to walk. You should always celebrate your achievements and an MA isn't just a day in the park! Congrats!
[2005-06-22 14:14:06]

Looks like you had a blast. Congrats on your graduation, btw!
[2005-06-22 14:23:31]

howdy...greetings from chicago. i found u via my twin blog's links. love ur layout! the loter�a graphix are hot! p.s. your brother (the one on ur right) is a hottie!
[2005-06-22 16:51:39]

btw i've added u to my links. ciao bella.
[2005-06-22 17:05:05]

$53 admission fee! yikes. i'm glad you walked. congrats.
[2005-06-22 17:15:52]

todos: gracias. joe: welcome and thanks for stopping by. i think you were talking about my older brother, and he's not a hottie!
[2005-06-23 03:31:38]

whoever he is, he's cute! but i's ur brother. if someone told me my sister was hot, i'd feel the same way :) i'll be coming back.
[2005-06-23 11:17:19]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star