how you feel about that?

Awwww.If I was there I'd give your cheek a kiss, make it feel better.
[2005-06-05 21:56:38]

:-/.... stupid ball.
[2005-06-06 01:10:45]

effin alfred!
[2005-06-06 04:14:07]

HP is nasty. When I read this I thought of how Caonabo was playing one day and a fight broke out so he walked on to the field because that is what you are supposed to do. They fine the players a couple hundred dollars if they go on the field which always pisses Caonabo off. So he goes out onto the field and is standing around watching his teamates and the other team fighting. When he notices a pair of sunglasses on the field, so he goes to pick them up when someone charges him. Caonabo covered his face and screamed "Not in the face, not in the face!" I thought it was funny, and this was the first time I ever saw him play.
[2005-06-06 08:58:46]

HP, a kiss would not make it feel better. Even a light touch makes it hurt a little.

Elenamary, I could see why Caonabo wouldn't want his face to get hit. Hehe...

Vicky, it was the ball's fault. It was evil.
[2005-06-06 14:53:01]

i know ;p alfred wouldn't hurt a fly, i'm sure :)
[2005-06-06 16:31:10]

Am I the only one who saw a George Lopez joke? The 7up cure all..
[2005-06-06 21:28:39]

what do you think about the latest entry?

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