how you feel about that?

Those are all pretty cool. We had to make a list of nicknames for a writing class and then we had to write a story about one of them. It's crazy how many nicknames we have in our lifetime.
[2005-05-07 22:49:21]

Those are all pretty cool. We had to make a list of nicknames for a writing class and then we had to write a story about one of them. It's crazy how many nicknames we have in our lifetime.
[2005-05-07 22:49:32]

funny.. gets me to thinking about mine: 1)Ruben; 2) Principe Rey; by my family in Panama (my jefe is Papa Rey); 3) Shlomo Gavriel (hebrew name which I never use, and don't even know how to spell); 4) Skippy (high shool P.E. teacher called me that. Embarrasing. Think Family Ties); 5)The Fresh Rabbi (my fencing blade-name in high school); 6) Ramon the Overgrown (my M.C. handle from the 817 days); 7) Wolftown, 8) R.Antonio Villalobos (for about two days when I became a lawyer until i realized that was wack) and now the 9) Nebur.
[2005-05-08 02:01:00]

Nicknames are interesting, because the people that give you these names must somehow see something in you that attributes these names. Lord, some of my nicknames are embarrassing...but the one most of my friends refer me to are "Cez" or "Ces" for short. This also reminds me how open we are for any acquaintance to bump into our blogs on the Internet. One day I was at a coffee shop, my favorite place to hang out, and I was grabbing a cup of coffee and from across the cafe I hear a girl scream: "EL MAS CHINGON!" I froze. I turned around--hesitantly--because no one knows me by that other than the few folks that have read my blog. However, it was this girl that had read my online magazine and read my blog. She came up to me and said, "I dig your blog. Keep at it." Neat, eh? Oh, Cindy--have you heard of Dios Malos?
[2005-05-08 11:34:55]

Suddenly Blex and Alex seem kind of skimpy.
[2005-05-08 12:14:16]

hey. i replied to your message where you posted it, but i thought i would copy/paste it here just in case you didn't go back ------ i think that's great that you write so much haiku. the daily thing sounds like a great idea. i should really write more like you do. you should also try to do more than just th 5-7-5. it's extremely limiting to imagination, not to mention it's not necessarily "right." some haiku writers are very adamant about writing the 5-7-5 stuff because they feel it is what's closest to how the japanese do it. but these 5-7-5 folk are the minority. just give it a shot... it couldn't hurt, could it?
[2005-05-08 12:34:27]

Geo, that's a pretty good idea. I should start trying to write mini stories about each of those nicknames.

Nebur, after seeing some of those pictures, Skippy seems to fit pretty well. Hehe...

EMC, I've heard of Dios Malos, but am not sure if I have heard them. Know what I mean? Oh yeah, and I'd feel a little weirded out if someone recognized me from the internets when I wasn't expecting it.

Blex, your nicknames are cool. If only one of my nicknames ended in X...
[2005-05-08 22:53:57]

We have the same middle name! wow! :)
[2005-05-08 23:24:06]

Lex, so many people have our middle name. In high school, two of my good friends were Something Marie. I don't like to share, so you can guess how much I liked having a very common middle name.
[2005-05-09 23:11:14]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star