how you feel about that?

cute mexican boys.. heeey ;) keep having fun in mexico ma'am!
[2004-08-14 21:35:55]

Heron Rojo
What's the word on Mexican murals? Graffiti? or Politics?
[2004-08-15 20:28:25]

"my rule that I didn't like Mexican guys" - what's up with that?
[2004-08-17 01:13:55]

you've only gotten 1 mosquito bite? I get attacked everytime I go! and salamanca is not that far from romita.
[2004-08-17 18:16:57]

I have family in Salamanca too. I live in Chicago, but I get to visit them every two years or so. I actually lived there when I was 8-10 years old then moved back to Chi-Town. I knwo what you meanabout the mosquitoes, those nasty black sons-o-bitches! I dont know whats worse, the itching and nasty welts or the buzz/headache I get from the "raidolitos" and "espirales" everyone uses to keep the bugs away.
[2004-09-13 11:54:17]

what do you think about the latest entry?

star star star