how you feel about that?

that movie sounds interesting, if it's anywhere near me i'll try to check of this first things i learned about australia was about the condition of the aboriginal peoples. same thing with new zealand, the first thing i learned about it was the state of the maoris. seeing what has happened with so many indigenous peoples all over the world makes you that much more against the idea of arrogance, ignorance, colonialism and capitalism,. ps, who needs an invitation when you can have fun d.i.y! thatta lady!
[2003-03-09 02:43:41]

I'll have to check it out but movies like that always make me mad. It reminds me of the residential schools they used to have in this country, my dad went to one and wrote about it but has never ever talks about it. And I cried when I read it. I wish I had more to say about it.
[2003-03-09 23:39:48]

mi mamita linda, te extra�o mucho.
[2003-03-13 16:09:27]

what do you think about the latest entry?

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