11.17.03 // 10:05 a.m.

Last night while running through my GRE study book, I was a bit annoyed with myself because I could not remember a certain word.

I knew what the word meant, a yes-man, but I couldn't even think what the word sounded like. I didn't find it anywhere in the book either, so I just told myself it would come to me later while I was thinking of something completely different.

The word came to me while showering. Then when I checked, I found this as the word of the day:

DEFINITION: self-serving flatterer, yes-man
EXAMPLE: Dreading criticism, the actor surrounded himself with admirers and sycophants.
SYNONYMS: toady, lickspittle, fawner, bootlicker

Comments: 1 comments [this feature no longer works]

Me siento: amused
Escuchando: moe's music

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

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