sesenta a�os
01.26.03 // 12:15 a.m.

My family has an immense joy for life. We celebrate everything, anniverserarys, baptisms, birthdays, graduations, Mexican holidays.. everything is an excuse for a party. They throw the best parties too. Good food, lots of drinks, loud music, and plenty of people.

Today we celebrated the 60th wedding anniversary celebration for Pap� Chepe y Mam� Toni (my maternal grandparents). Sixty years! Imagine that. You've been with someone longer than the average life time in third world countries.

It's amazing. In 60 years their family has gone from 2 to 75. Yeah, Mexican families grow exponentially. The 75 includes, my aunts, uncles, their spouses, cousins, cousins' spouses, and the great grandkids. Numer 75 was just born on 01.02.03. Nice date.

My grandparents began their life together in central M�xico. They moved their family from Zacatecas to Tijuana and then to East LA. Up until the mid-80s they worked extremely hard as gardeners and now split up their time between my parent's house, their home in Tijuana and their home in Zacatecas.

I doubt they imagined they'd get to this point. In 1943, they didn't think they'd be renewing their vows on an unusually warm January afternoon.

Do you imagine this when you're young and in love?

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Me siento: amazed
Escuchando: home grown "give it up"

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

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