it's bad when he doesn't even eat
05.12.04 // 12:51 a.m.

I wanted Adrian to go with me this weekend to the Bay for Vane's graduation before I heard about last week's events. The poor kid doesn't ever get to go anywhere. Danny travels, so does Lori and so do my parents. But Adrian doesn't go many places. That's mainly because he doesn't have money. Driving isn't too much money, he has a job now, and he can help out driving. Plus, he's a fun kid.

Anyway, I'm much more glad he agreed to come along now.

He had his heart broken by a girl the whole family loved. Melanie was great, I saw her almost as a little sister. She was smart, pretty, funny, and I thought would be a good influence on Adrian. I really didn't expect for her to break up with him out of the blue and then lie about the reason. It wasn't simply because she needed her space. Adrian had to find out that she was/is seeing another guy at her work (not quite sure if she cheated on him). Oh yes, and he found this out by reading her blog.

You can't really tell in his behavior that something is wrong. Well, except when it's time to eat and he's not hungry or he isolates himself in his room. It's all he talks about. Lori even says that he goes to sleep crying.

I hate to see my brother this way. I want to tell him that he can't hate her, should forgive her and move on. But those words just go in one ear and out the other. I know. I've been there too. I also don't want to hate Mel (and I don't), but I know I probably won't see/hear from her for a while. She's probably too ashamed to show up around my house. I've been in her shoes too, and fucked up just as she did.

I want to protect Adrian and Lori from things like this, but I can't. I hope the road trip helps, at least a little.

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Me siento: odd
Escuchando: the dryer

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the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
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