mi gusto es, �y qui�n me lo quitar�?
05.10.04 // 7:40 p.m.

At my weekly staff meetings I make my staff answer silly check-in questions. A few weeks ago, I made everyone suggest questions for future meetings.

There were plenty of odd ones, but I chose this one for today's meeting: If you were a kitchen utensil, which would you be and why?

Now, most of my staff members chose things like forks, blenders, colanders, and knives. I really didn't think you could make this dirty (I should know better, I talk to Will a lot...). I was proven wrong with Jos�'s comment, "I would be a straw... because it's strong and you can put it in an orange."


I have "Mi gusto es" in my head. I'm not sure if it's the Ana Gabriel version or the one sung by a man whose name escapes me.

It doesn't matter, it's still a lovely, yet odd love song and it still makes me want "someone more like me" (c) No Doubt.

That guy is the one who loves rock en espa�ol just as much he loves '80s new wave, '90s alternative rock, hip hop, banda, norte�as, tamborazo zacatecano or most mariachi standards. He's the same on who can hold his own in a mosh pit (or save me), do a mean zapateado, move his hips rhytmically to cumbias and bob his head to a good beat. And perhaps he won't be confused when he looks at half of the CD's in my collection.

That sounds like a long shot... pero mi gusto es. Hay les va la letra.

Mi gusto es,
y quien me lo quitar�
solamente Dios del cielo me lo quita
mi gusto es

El amarte jovencito, tope en eso
tope en eso que al cabo mi gusto es

Mi gusto es,
y quien me lo quitar�
solamente Dios del cielo me lo quita
mi gusto es

El amarte jovencito, tope en eso
tope en eso que al cabo mi gusto es

Pero jovencito
yo te he de seguir amando
mi gusto es

Pero chiquitito
yo te he de seguir los pasos
a donde est�s

Aunque me den de balazos
topa en eso, topa en eso
que al cabo mi gusto es

Mi gusto es,
y quien me lo quitar�
solamente Dios del cielo me lo quita
mi gusto es

El amarte jovencito, tope en eso
tope en eso que al cabo mi gusto es

I went to the dentist today. I'm just fine and all, but it looks like I'll have to get numbers 17 and 32 pulled out. Those are wisdom teeth. Ouch.

�Feliz d�a de las madres!

I'm not late. But May 10 is Mexican mother's day.

Comments: 1 comments [this feature no longer works]

Me siento: cold
Escuchando: mi gusto es (in my head)

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

star star star