left out
06.09.03 // 5:47 p.m.

I've been feeling a bit off lately. Everyone is graduating. I'm not. A good number of my friends are going to graduate or professional school. I'm not.

Yeah, I know it's not like I'm wasting away my life where I'm at right now. I graduated last year, but it's different when 90% of your best friends are all graduating now and you can't share in that experience, at least not in the same way. I kind of want to put on my cap and gown and just walk in the Raza Grad ceremony for the hell of it. I want to sit next to Chispa, Ome, Pato, the Turtle and a dozen or so other friends who I started school here with. Even the little brother is graduating from high school. I guess that's what I get for deciding I wanted to go on the 4-year plan.

And what about all the people going places? Paul is going to medical school in Boston. Arshad and la Flaca will be joining him in the area for education programs at Harvard. I could care less about la Flaca going far away, but I'm going to miss Arshad. Then there's my best friend, Chispa, who will be going to San Francisco for law school (unless she gets in to 'SC or UCLA where she's waitlisted). Who else? The roomies are staying at UCLA for grad school in education and social welfare programs. Nahui is going all the way to Michigan for urban planning.

It seems like everyone is going somewhere. And I'm not. I just feel left out, or like I'm being left behind. How odd... I was ahead of everyone else too.

Yeah, yeah, I know the work I'm doing is really important, but I'm itching for something else. Some change. The haircut wasn't enough.

Comments: 2 comments [this feature no longer works]

Me siento: a bit off
Escuchando: "diamonds and pearls" by prince

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the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
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