bad ratios
01.20.05 // 1:01 p.m.

Bird of paradise
Moore Hall
Home of the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies

There are some things I just don't write about [anymore]. One of them is my love life, or lack thereof. Part of the reason is because I'd like to keep some things private. There was a time when I was feeling threatened about who was reading this and how he/she was using my own words against me. I hated it. So, to combat this, I put out less information. If I did want to write something in my blog that was private, I put the entry under lock and key.

I digress. I'm going to break my unwritten no-love-life-posts rule.

Last year while Arshad was at the Harvard Graduate School of Education he'd tell me about how skewed the male to female distribution was among students there. As you might expect, there were many more women pursuing graduate degrees in education. I think the ratio there was 30:70.

He told me that it was a good situation for straight, single men (like himself). I don't think he ever took advantage of his position, but I'm sure some guys did and enjoyed their social life while going into debt for a year-long M.Ed. program.

I didn't know what to expect my program gender ratio to be like when I applied. I didn't really think about the gender of my possible cohort-mates, only of the professors.

There are 10 students in my cohort which is split evenly between master's and PhD students. The breakdown? Nine women and one man. Our ratio sucks. What about in past cohorts? I'm not that sure, but the three other men I've met in the Higher Ed program are married (2, one just had baby two weeks ago) or gay (1).

So, what does this all mean for my social life? A few things:

  1. It is highly unlikely that I'll find someone in my program, not that I'm looking, but I just wanted to stress the point.
  2. In general, I probably won't find someone in the School of Ed.
  3. I might have to head over to South Campus (physical sciences, life sciences and engineering) and crash a department party or something.

I'm not looking. I've been told that you find someone when you're not even looking. Plus, I already know who I want, the Hahvahd boy. Yup, for now I'll just deal with studying at his apartment, listening to moody white people music (read: Elliott Smith), complaining about the course we have to take as first year doctoral students in one of the 5 divisions of the department of education, and inhale secondhand smoke on balmy nights.

Comments: 5 comments [this feature no longer works]

Me siento: jittery, damn coffee
Escuchando: the typewriter

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

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