Each one teach one
07.11.02 // 8:54 p.m.

Training is now over, and I honestly don't know if I'm really prepared, but I'm still excited. The thing about being a director and the Student Retention Center is that we work for students. They sign our pay checks, and they hire or maybe even fire us. They're the ones that we are ultimately accountable to. That's the beauty of the SRC.

It is the first of the kind. The first student-initiated, student-run and student-funded retention project in the nation. Everyone who works here, minus the Directors and Advisors, are students. Its a wonderful and very diverse community.

The office is tiny. There are actually three offices in one. The office is collectively known as the Community Programs Office, or CPO. It's been around the longest. There are several community service projects that are based here. Then there is the SRC, and finally the Student Initiated Outreach Center. A couple of hundred people volunteer and work for these projects and hundreds more people, on and off campus, benefit from the services.

It's a great place to be. I love it. I work along side people from all different backgrounds. At the same time that I'm learning more about the needs of Chicana/o and Latina/o students, I'm also learning more about local and international issues facing everyone from Muslims to Pilipinos.

The thing about training that is great as that Mandla, the main facilitator of the director's training, told Henry (outgoing Calmecac Director) that Angel (Assistant Director) and I are really on point with everything. Henry thought that we were making him look good. Henry actually set a good foundation for me and Angel, its going to be tough to fill his shoes. At least he's being very supportive in the transition stage. I think slowly, but surely all my anxieties about this job are being addressed and dealt with.

One last thing, I had my first peer counseling session today... all on my own. The good thing was that I already knew the student, so it was easier to have an understanding of her situation.

I think I'm going to be alright. (Oh yeah, I have all my sessions scheduled for next week!)

P.S. "Each One Teach One" is the motto of the SRC.

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Me siento: hopeful
Escuchando: the tick of the clock

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the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
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