words, thoughts and actions
02.19.03 // 6:37 p.m.

I know writing won't solve any of the myriad problems in our world if it's just that. I've read some amazing articles and books, but when I sit down and try to think about how they can be applied to real life I get a little baffled.

An example, all I gained from my university education would've been little more than a piece of paper with a gold seal if I hadn't taken the time to get involved in student groups and community service programs. All those extremely long meetings, afternoons at the local high school, and hours campaigning complimented and enriched the material my professors were adressing in my courses.

Every chance I got, I applied my experiences as a student acivist and first generation Chicana to my academics. It didn't matter whether it was on the politics of immigration or the sociology of collective behavior, I found a way to take the classroom to the community and vice versa. I interviewed my grandparents and parents for papers on family history and immigration. I wrote a paper on the effects of alcoholism in the family (my dad is a recovering alcoholic). Another research paper I wrote for a course on the sociology of collective behavior was a study of a student movement to repeal SP-1 and SP-2 (check anniversary and activism). When I wrote these papers, I learned more about myself while at the same time really applying the stuff I was reading, hearing in lecture, and discussing with my classmates. Without the real world application, most of my classes would've been mainly theory and jargon.

When I think of writing, I view it like education and activism. I write about things I do and what I know best. I'm passionate about education. It's my job, but it's also my life.

There's this quote I absolutely love from an essay by Jos� Antonio Burciaga. He writes about the use of words in a native sense, to our ancestors.

"To the Nahuas, words were flowers, metaphors that gave birth to thoughts and actions."

That's all that words are... they should give birth to thoughts and then actions. Without action, they're just a few letters strung together.

Note: I'm addressing some comments on my last entry. By the way, thanks for the comments, they got me to think a little more about what I was trying to get across with that last entry.

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Me siento: beautiful
Escuchando: "stay" by jaguar wright

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

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