I feel pretty
01.17.02 // 10:59 p.m.

I am indebted to the oh-so talented Inez for the wonderful job she did designing the template for my diary. Now it�s a little bit more �me.� It�s symbolic too. The red and black are the colors for wisdom and writing in Mexica (many mistakenly call them Aztecs) culture. I also learned last night from a Mexican maestro of Mexica culture, Ocelocoatl, that red is the color for women. You see, women are associated with the west because when the sunsets there is a red glow. So, as you can guess, the red is associated with a woman�s �moon.� The little indigenous image goes along with my name, which means star in Nahuatl, the Mexica language.

Ocelocoatl dropped a lot of knowledge last night, but the thing that stuck out the most was when he said that being a woman is an art. I left the MEChA meeting with a great desire to go and learn my people�s history that has been so distorted. The best thing that Ocelocoatl did was take words (in English, Spanish and Nahuatl) and use etymology to break down what they really meant. He did it with every new term he introduced. That�s impressive, I want to learn to do that.

One last thing, AB 540 passed, but I need more details on the votes.

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Me siento:

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

star star star