Whistle while you work...
09.09.02 // 11:35 p.m.

I am sick of writing this proposal! No more number crunching, rewriting the statement of need, rewording and cutting objectives and methodologies! Sometimes I wish the project wasn�t so big so I would only have to deal with the small stuff, but that�s not the way things go around here.

At least I feel like I am making progress on this bad boy. Every time I open up the document or reread my print out, I feel like I should add and cut so much more. I�m a perfectionist so it�s tough for me to trust these things to someone else because I want everything MY way, down to the margins and font size. It wouldn�t be so bad if this thing was just coming out of my brain, but it�s not like that. I have to show this to everyone from my advisor, to the mother organization (MEChA), and to the other directors. And everyone is a critic, though they�re not as bad as me. But it�s a work in progress, and progress is definitely happening. The meat of the proposal is at least in 2nd or 3rd draft format.

In other news� well, I don�t think there is other news because all I have been doing is working. And with that comes neglecting other important parts of my life. I think I want to ignore some of them and put off some of those talks I need to have� it�s just easier that way. I don�t have the energy (at least that�s my excuse).

Oh yeah, I realized I will probably have a difficult time not playing favorites on staff next year. PS: No more 4 hour a day staff training! Yeah!

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Me siento: drained
Escuchando: you guessed it: nothing

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

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