reaction to b.o.b.
03.20.03 // 8:48 p.m.

I tried to write something in here last night... something about how disgusted and sick to my stomach I felt when I heard the first blasts over the radio as I drove to my parent's house. Eventually, I couldn't listen to anymore of the "news" and just put a Prince cd on. When I got to my parent's house on the street named after coffee everyone was watching Dubya's speech on television. The abuelos (grandparents) watched in Spanish and the siblings watched in English. I had to contain myself to not blurt out expletives after every single comment. Talking with Pato about the speech earlier today, we acknowledged that his speech writers were pretty smart. Hey, they know they need to get more support for this so-called "disarmament" (why not just call it what it is?) so why not put the spin that they're just preventing more acts of terrorism by striking first? Yeah, we need to send our people over there so that our doctors, police officers, fire fighters, and EMT's don't need to fight that war here. Propaganda... great!

I can't stand to think of all that's going to happen. I live in a major city, but I'm not creeping around in fear because we're on high terror alert. My mom is a bit fearful and so is my sister. We know people in the military, good friends of the family overseas. I can't help to be worried for them.

I've been trying to stay away from network news. It's too much for me, especially when I here the blatant bias from the anchormen and women. In the local nail salon, the afternoon news was playing. The reporter on the television was giving updates about the anti-war protests at the Federal Building in Westwood (a few blocks away from my work). Instead of just noting what was going on out there, she admonished the group of about 400 peaceful protesters for diverting the resources - police officers and sheriff deputies - so desperately needed in this time of high terror alert. Yeah, so what happened to the constitutional right to peacefully assemble? What about voicing grievances against our elected (sort of) government?

After that, I only watched the news because listening to it was pointless.

I'm still firmly against this war... even more now, and I'll still continue praying for peace.

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Me siento: alive
Escuchando: "what's going on" by marvin gaye

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the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
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