llorar y llorar
03.04.04 // 10:12 p.m.

I just checked my horoscope today and was ready to laugh. I absolutely hate it when they're true.

Your time is over-programmed. You want to go home. Thinking about that inevitable escape makes everything more bearable. Pace yourself by dangling promises in front of you. You can reward yourself at every milestone as long as you don't let it get out of hand. The appealing ideas of overindulgence and laziness have to be kept at a distance. And once you get there, will you take full advantage of the opportunities offered? Maybe it's enough to know that you could if you really wanted to. What you need more than anything is a good night's sleep to regain your balance.

The sad thing is, that horoscope could not be any more true. I'm very tired, sleepy, busy, nervous, anxious and for some reason I got stuck staying until midnight again for study hall.

I should quit complaining though. I realized just how whiny I sounded in a brief conversation with the Redhead. He always asks lots of questions and he even admitted that I sounded sad. I was about to cry then. I cry too easily.

I've always been like that, even as a kid. My mom would try to make me stop by telling me that girls who cried did not look pretty, but I just ignored it. A few weeks ago when I got yelled at by my advisor for a really dumb mistake I made, I left his office a bit sullen, but not crying. By the time I tried to explain it to others I was in tears. He asked me about it later, like it was bad to cry because I was upset. Hey... if it makes me feel a little bit better, why not?

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Me siento: weepy
Escuchando: mos def, black on both sides

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