Mar�a Felix
04.08.02 // 9:17 p.m.

The most beautiful woman who ever lived died yesterday. A diva of Mexican film from the glory days of el Cine de Oro joined two of her ex-husbands Agust�n Lara y Jorge Negrete. Both were famous actors, and Lara wrote many popular songs.

I cried as I listened to Juan Gabriel�s song comparing Mar�a Felix to la Virgen de Guadalupe, "Maria de todas las Mar�as." I don�t know why really. I haven�t seen too many of her films, but am mesmerized by her image.

I remember one that I saw in a collection of fotos by Juan Rulfo, a Mexican writer. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. I just stared at the picture and didn�t want to pass the book to Isa sitting behind me. I just checked out reznorific�s diary a little while ago and saw that she had noted la Do�a�s passing. It�s almost like you have to if you�re Mexican.

Mar�a Felix passed away at 88 years of age, a nice long life if you ask me. I read some of the articles by the Associated Press in which she was compared to Marilyn Monroe. That comparison is too simplistic. For one thing La Do�a is more than just a sex object who fooled around with the president. The woman had brains, opinions, and a captivating persona. Sigh� era tan bella y linda. Selma Hayek has nothing on her.

Espero que descanse en paz.

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