a moment of weakness
07.04.04 // 11:29 p.m.

It is very rare for me to actually feel patriotic and proud of being a citizen of this country. Don't get me wrong, I am very aware of the privileges I have based on where I was born and my citizenship. But, I can't go around waving a flag, singing songs, or reciting pledges when it all feels so contradictory to me.

However, there is one instant when emotion briefly takes over and I feel like I have something in common with all the people who hold this day in such high regard. When I watch The Sandlot and the 4th of July scene with Ray Charles' (RIP) rendition of "America the Beautiful" plays in the background comes on I smile and hum along to the song.

I've seen the movie enough times to know the words to Tim Leary's voice-over narration and can see the boys' faces glowing with the light of blue, green, red, pink, purple and yellow fireworks bursting in the sky. I can clearly hear Charles' brilliant voice lead up to the famous chorus, "I'm talking about, Ameeeeeerica, Ameeeeeeerica..."

And then the song is over, the night baseball games becomes a day game on the sandlot and I go back to being just as critical of this country I live in as always.

Comments: 2 comments [this feature no longer works]

Me siento: a bit sunburnt
Escuchando: "cascabel" por quetzal

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the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
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