El otro 11 de septiembre
09.16.02 // 7:43 p.m.

Inspired by Annie.

From �The Last September 11th� or �El Ultimo Once de Septiembre� by Ariel Dorfman, Chilean writer. The rest of the article can be found in English here y en espa�ol aqui.

One of the ways for Americans to overcome their trauma and survive the fear and continue to live and thrive in the midst of the insecurity which has suddenly swallowed them is to admit that their suffering is neither unique nor exclusive, that they are connected, as long as they are willing to look at themselves in the vast mirror of our common humanity, with so many other human beings who, in apparently faraway zones, have suffered similar situations of unanticipated and often protracted injury and fury.

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Me siento: icky
Escuchando: nada

M�s reciente:
Searches - 09.16.05
the big move - 07.29.05
mother and daughter: a comparative analysis - 07.28.05
jardineros y dom�sticas - 07.27.05
tough question - 07.25.05

antes // despu�s

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